• 9 by 5 artworks

    Cultural Facilities - Selected Saturday Opening Hours

    Looking for something to do on Saturday afternoons? The Walker Street Gallery and Drum Theatre will open their doors on selected Saturdays.

  • a street in Dandenong lit up at night

    Business Support

    Council has a dedicated team committed to strengthening existing businesses, supporting new businesses to get started and attracting new investment to the region. 

  • council building

    Have Your Say

    Be part of our decision-making process and have your say on a range of projects.

  • a giant river red gum costume

    Discover Dandenong Creek Festival

    The Discover Dandenong Creek Festival is back with lots of fun, free activities for all ages.

  • world globe floating above hand

    Information in Your Language

    Did you know all of our websites include a Google translation function? Read our content in your preferred language.

Deputy Mayor Cr Sophaneth (Sophie) Tan (Noble Park Ward)

Cr Melinda Yim (Keysborough Ward)

Cr Loi Truong (Springvale South Ward)

Cr Lana Formoso (Noble Park North Ward)

Mayor Cr Jim Memeti (Dandenong Ward)

Cr Rhonda Garad (Cleeland Ward)

Cr Bob Milkovic (Dandenong North Ward)

Cr Sean O'Reilly (Springvale North Ward)

Cr Alice Phuong Le (Springvale Central Ward)

Cr Phillip Danh (Yarraman Ward)

Cr Isabella Do (Keysborough South Ward)

The City of Greater Dandenong
Welcomes All

The City of Greater Dandenong Welcomes All City of Greater Dandenong has been a Refugee Welcome Zone since 2002. Council actively promotes and advocates for the rights of forcibly displaced people.

Council values and is committed to promoting cultural, linguistic and religious diversity; community harmony and respect for all.