Main Hall of the New Dandenong Oasis

Dandenong Wellbeing Centre - New Dandenong Oasis

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Council is planning to develop a new aquatic and wellbeing centre. It is intended to replace Dandenong Oasis, which is nearing the end of its effective life. This major infrastructure project is a key recommendation from the Greater Dandenong Aquatic Strategy and is planned to have a targeted focus on health and wellbeing.

The design of the Dandenong Wellbeing Centre was endorsed by Council in February 2022.

Download the Dandenong Wellbeing Centre Design -11MB

Latest Update

In February 2024 Council accepted expressions of interest for construction of the Dandenong Wellbeing Centre.

We’re now in a position to invite shortlisted parties to take part in a closed formal tender process for the project.

We will release the request for tender on Monday 19 August and close it on Friday 23 October 2024.

After submissions close, they will be carefully evaluated to ensure the successful appointee is in the best position to deliver this key project for our community.

Officers will then provide a recommendation to Council for consideration and adoption following the upcoming elections, based on the outcome of this evaluation process.

Following the conclusion of the procurement process and appointment of the successful contractor, we will further update the community on the next steps.

We expect to provide this update in March 2025.

Design Features

The Dandenong Wellbeing Centre has been designed to include a broad range of facilities, as determined by the Greater Dandenong Aquatic Strategy (2019) and refined through subsequent community and stakeholder engagement. 

The centre is planned as a new two-storey facility in the south west corner of Mills Reserve. The design sees patrons enter the centre though a public plaza and expansive foyer offering a range of community facilities. The design includes two separate pool halls, providing separate zones for active and passive / warm water aquatic activities. A range of dry health and fitness facilities are planned for Level 1 (accessible via a lift and stairs). There's also a planned integrated sports pavilion. 

Project Background

Council resolved in September 2019 to develop a new aquatic and wellbeing centre at Mills Reserve to replace the existing Dandenong Oasis, which is over 40 years old and no longer meeting the needs of the community. 

This major infrastructure project is a key recommendation from Council’s Aquatic Strategy, which is based on the vision to get “more people, more active, more often”.
The Aquatic Strategy identifies the new aquatic centre as an indoor multi-purpose facility that will complement the nearby Noble Park Aquatic Centre (NPAC) and have a targeted focus on allied health, passive activity, education, fitness and wellness.

The centre is planned to incorporate traditional aquatic and leisure facility components, but with an enhanced focus on health and wellbeing, in response to identified community need. Key facility components are proposed to include two warm water pools, a 50m pool (with moveable boom), learn to swim pool, leisure pool / water play, spa, sauna and steam room, gymnasium, program / group fitness rooms, meeting rooms, allied health suites, café and amenities. 

Design Process

Council appointed a design team led by CO-OP Studio in April 2021 to design the new centre. The design process drew on previous planning and consultation undertaken as part of the Aquatic Strategy which involved over 1570 engagements/community responses.

The design process was guided by the following guiding principles:

  • Enhancing community health and wellbeing
  • Maximising equity and access
  • Facilitating social connections
  • Providing high quality facilities
  • Creating sustainable outcomes

Additional community consultation was undertaken in July/August 2021 to seek resident’s views about how to make the new Centre welcoming and accessible to people of all ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds. A total of 444 engagements/responses were recorded which demonstrated strong support for the project and helped to inform the draft design.

The draft design was then placed on public exhibition in November/December 2021 to provide a further opportunity for community feedback. A total of 136 engagements / responses were received which reinforced the demand, direction and proposed design for the new centre.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Dandenong Wellbeing Centre?

The Dandenong Wellbeing Centre is the working name for the proposed new aquatic and wellbeing centre intended to replace the existing Dandenong Oasis at Mills Reserve in Dandenong. The new Centre has been designed to incorporate traditional aquatic and leisure facility components, but with an enhanced focus on health and wellbeing. Facility components include two warm water pools, a 50m pool (with moveable boom), learn to swim pool, leisure pool / water play, spa, sauna and steam room, gymnasium, program / group fitness rooms, allied health consulting suites, meeting rooms and a  café. 

What will happen to the Mills Pavilion?

The Mills Pavilion is over 40 years old and is no longer meeting the needs of users. It is expected that the pavilion will be demolished to make way for the new aquatic and wellbeing centre which will incorporate a new pavilion to cater for active sport at the reserve.

What will happen to the Table Tennis Centre?

Table tennis is not proposed for inclusion in the new aquatic centre. Council is currently preparing a feasibility study for a new table tennis centre in consultation with the Greater Dandenong Table Tennis Association and other key stakeholders. Table tennis will continue to operate at the existing centre (adjoining Dandenong Oasis) until the new centre is developed.

How is environmentally sustainable design (ESD) being considered in the new Centre?

In line with Council’s Sustainable Buildings Policy and declaration of a Climate Emergency, the new Centre is planned to incorporate a broad range of sustainable measures such as: 

  • All electric facility (no gas)
  • Extensive PV cells distribution
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Nett zero emissions
  • LED lighting and use of natural daylight
  • Energy efficient fitments
  • Real time energy displays via Building Management System (BMS)
  • Building materials that have been sustainably sources where possible and practical
  • Drought tolerant native vegetation to conserve water and provide a cooling effect to the precinct.

Additionally, integrated engineering solutions are being considered to reduce the overall energy consumption that is inherently high for aquatic facilities. 

The facility will aim to achieve a 5 Star Green Star accreditation.


Mills Reserve Site