outside of industrial building

VicSmart assessment process

Your planning application may qualify under the VicSmart assessment process.

VicSmart is a simple and fast planning permit process for straightforward applications.

You must meet a set criteria for your application to be considered under the VicSmart assessment process.  This criteria is specified under each zone, overlay and particular provision which may require a planning permit.

The information requirements for each type of VicSmart process are specified under Clause 59 of the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme.

To enable Council to meet the 10 day timeframe, it is important that all the required information is submitted with an application.  If not, further information will be requested and a decision will be delayed until all the information is provided.

For detailed information and resources for applicants, including VicSmart application checklists, please visit the Department of Transport and Planning website.

You are encouraged to discuss your proposal with a Council planning officer, to confirm that your proposal qualifies for VicSmart and learn what information needs to be submitted with the application.
