Chocolate Lily flower

Biodiversity Blitz 2024

Biodiversity Blitz 2024

During September, Greater Dandenong Council celebrates Biodiversity Month by partnering with several of our neighbouring councils to host the Biodiversity Blitz. The competition runs between all participating councils to see who can record the most species.

Participating is easy, all you need is your smart phone or a camera. Visit the iNaturalist website or app and join the Biodiversity Blitz 2024 - Greater Dandenong project by simply heading outdoors to snap photos of living things in Greater Dandenong and then upload to iNaturalist. You'll be contributing to community science and showing the world the amazing biodiversity Greater Dandenong has to offer.

How to participate 

Step 1 - Download the free iNaturalist app and register.

Step 2 - Join the Biodiversity Blitz 2024 - Greater Dandenong project. 

Step 3 - Start recording your observations.

The iNaturalist app is easy to use and there is a community on iNaturalist that can help you identify your observations. It is a great way to learn about local plants and animals and get involved in local conservation. 

Watch this great iNaturalist video and get started.

Tread lightly

Please respect our plants and wildlife when taking photos. Spring is nesting season for many birds and flowering time for many orchids and herbs so try not to damage or disturb our plants or animals. If you see young birds on the ground, please leave them unless they are obviously injured. They are fledging the nest and learning to fly, and their parents will be close by.

For more information visit RSPCA Victoria.

If you come across injured wildlife, please contact Wildlife Victoria on 8400 7300.

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