Building plans

When is a Building Permit Required?

A building permit is required before commencement of most building work. The definition of 'building work' in the legislation includes new buildings, demolition and/or alteration. In many cases the builder or architect/draftsperson obtains the permit on behalf of the property owner.

Before you apply for a building permit


Antennas and Masts

A building permit* is required when:

Antenna/mast that is higher than 3m from the point it is attached to the buildingYes
Antenna/mast height more than 8 metres above the groundYes

Applying for a building permit 

If a building permit is required, 

  • go to the Building Permits page to download the application form
  • go to the Report and consent page to download the application form
  • go to the Tree Protection on Private Land page to apply for any tree's that might need to be removed as a result of the demolition. 

Instructions on how to apply can be found on both pages.

Still not sure if you need a permit?

If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.

Carports and Garages

Is a permit required?

Yes, a building permit is required for a carport or garage.

A garage is a structure capable of storing a car, and has at least two-thirds of its sides closed by walls.  A side within 500mm of a boundary is considered to be closed. 

If your garage is not enclosed by at least two-thirds, it is by definition, a carport.

Applying for a building permit 

If a building permit is required, 

Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

Still not sure if you need a permit?

If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.


Is a permit required?

Demolition or partial demolition of a building (including but not limited to load bearing wall, brick fence etc.Yes
Demolition of a free standing Class 10 building (shed, carport or garage) if the following apply:
  • is not constructed of masonry; and
  • does not exceed 40m2 in floor area: and
  • will not adversely affect the safety of the public or occupiers of the building; and
  • is not work carried out in or in connection with, a building included on the Heritage Register.


Complete the Report and Consent on Proposed Demolition - 29A Application Form

Applying for a building permit 

If a building permit is required, 

Instructions on how to apply can be found on both pages.

Still not sure if you need a permit?

If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.

Extensions, Additions and Alterations

Is a building permit required?

Additions to dwelling or any other buildingYes
Structural alterations to a dwelling or any other buildingYes
Removal of or alteration to a load bearing part of a buildingYes

Applying for a building permit 

If a building permit is required, 

Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

Still not sure if you need a permit?

If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.


Is a permit required?

Front fence construction of masonry, concrete, or similar material, and more than 1.2 metres highYes
Front fence other than masonry, concrete, or similar material and in an RGZ, GRZ, or NRZ Zone, and facing a Council Street, and more than 1.2 metres highYes
Front fence other than masonry, concrete, or similar material and in an RGZ, GRZ or NRZ Zone, and facing a VicRoads declared Road, and more than 1.5 metres highYes
Front fence other than masonry, concrete, or similar material and not in an RGZ, GRZ or NRZ Zone, and more than 1.5 metres high Yes
Front and/or side street fence within 9 metres of the point of intersection of street alignments, and more than 1 metre highYes
Side and boundary fence more that 2 metres highNo
Chain wire fence surrounding a tennis court No


  • Front fence includes side boundary fence within 3 metres of the property frontage
  • Fence includes a screen or a structure like a fence
  • RGZ means the Residential Growth Zone
  • GRZ means the General Residential Zone
  • NRZ means the Neighbourhood Residential Zone
  • Height of fence is measured from Natural Ground Level
  • There are further requirements if the fence forms part of a pool safety barrier or forms part of an outdoor play space associated with a children’s service

Applying for a building permit 

If a building permit is required, 

Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

Still not sure if you need a permit?

If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Half cost fencing (between resident's and council's land)

Council will contribute half of the cost of the construction and replacement of a standard fence abutting Council owned properties (recreation reserves, parks, and other buildings). Council must be provided with 3 written quotes and their approval must obtained prior to any repair and/or replacement of fences. Council will not consider contribution after works are commenced or completed.

For more information, please download the Half Cost Fencing Information sheet 2018.

Half Cost Fencing Information sheet 2018 - 146 KB

Half cost fencing is not available when:

  • Properties are adjacent to road reserves, laneway, walkways and right of way
  • Properties are adjacent to other authorities' land (eg Melbourne Water, South East Water, etc.),
  • Properties are not owned by Council (eg freeway reservations, VicRoads land, etc.)

Request for adjoining property owner details for fencing purposes

Property owners and fencing contractors can request the details of owners of adjoining properties for fencing purposed only.

To apply complete the Request for Adjoining Property Owner details for Fencing Purposes Application form and return to a Council customer service centre.

Request for Adjoining Property Owner details for Fencing Purposes Application form - 115KB

Please note that the adjoining owner requesting the information must also provide proof (eg driver's licence)  that they are an adjoining owner

Brand new fencing for subdivisions

Thesequeriesshould be directed to the developer or contact Council (Town Planning Department), if fence conditions are stipulated in a planning permit.


Fire Hydrants

Is a permit required?

A building permit is required for installation and deletion of, and/or alterations to fire hydrants within property boundaries

Queries regarding street hydrants new or existing should be directed to South East Water on 131 694.

Applying for a building permit 

If a building permit is required, 

Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

Still not sure if you need a permit?

If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.


Granny Flats

A granny flat or dependent person's unit is defined by the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme as a "movable building on the same lot as an existing dwelling and used to provide accommodation for a person dependent on a resident of the existing dwelling".

Is a permit required?

Yes, a building permit for the construction of the dependent person's unit is required.

A planning permit may not be required, if Council is satisfied that the potential building achieves the following criteria, based on the definition in the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme.

  • A moveable building
    This must be based on the definition of movable building - "a structure other than a tent, caravan or vehicle, which is designed to be moved from place to place on more than one occasion"
  • Used for the accommodation of a dependent person
    This may be a person who is incapacitated by virtue of medical, economic or social reasons and is therefore dependent on the person in the main dwelling for their accommodation
  • There is only one dependant person's unit on the lot

Helpful information

Check your copy of title for any relevant restrictions or any evident covenants which relate to your property; if so seek legal advice.

Approach Council and seek advice regarding relevant planning controls (i.e. Planning Scheme Overlays) which may have an impact on the development of the dependent person's unit.

Still not sure if you need a permit?  

If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.

Pergolas and Verandahs

Is a permit required?

Construction of a pergola (unroofed/permeable) associated with a dwelling or garage under 20 metres squared in area, with a height equal to/less than 3.6 metres, and not further forward than 2.5 metres of the front wall of the associated building/dwelling.No
Construction of a verandah (roofed including tiles, sheet and polycarbonate) associated with any other buildingYes

Applying for a building permit 

If a building permit is required, 

Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

Still not sure if you need a permit?

If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.

Report unsafe or illegal building online or contact us. Council will investigate and if required a notice or order will be issued accordingly.


Is a permit required?

Reblocking or restumping of an existing buildingYes

Applying for a building permit 

If a building permit is required, 

Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

Still not sure if you need a permit?

If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.

Retaining Walls

Is a permit required?

Constructed on or near site boundaries (any height)Yes
Construction of a retaining wall 1m or more in heightYes

Applying for a building permit 

If a building permit is required, 

Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

Still not sure if you need a permit?

If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.


Is a permit required?

Replacement of corrugated iron roofing with concrete or terracotta roofing tilesYes
Replacement of concrete or terracotta roofing tiles with corrugated
iron roofing. (This can affect the wind uplift on the roof structure).
Replacement of corrugated iron roofing with similar corrugated iron
sheeting (e.g. Colorbond) and no replacement of structural battens
Replacement of corrugated iron roofing with another pre-finished
metal sheeting which requires the installation of structural battens.

Applying for a building permit 

If a building permit is required, 

Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

Still not sure if you need a permit?

If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.

Septic Tanks and Greywater

The City of Greater Dandenong is responsible for:

  • approving waste water systems in non-sewerage areas (areas outside reticulated sewer and water)
  • approving the design and installation of septic tanks
  • investigating broken sewerage pipes on private property
  • working with South East Water and the Victorian Plumbing Authority (VBA) to get problems fixed.

If you have any questions or issues around water usage, contact South East Water.

Septic tanks

How to apply for a permit for a septic tank

If you wish to install or alter a septic tank, you need to:

  • Complete Application for Permission to Install/Alter a Septic Tank System Form and submit to Council

Application for Permission to Install/Alter a Septic Tank System Form - 225.8KB

  • You must also provide a copy of the plan showing the location of all buildings and boundaries, the location of the septic tank and drainage field, any slopes or inclines, any retaining walls, any in-ground swimming pools or dams, and true North.

    Septic Tank Fees

    Fees are noted below:

    NameStandard FeeDescription
    New Septic Tank System$600Environment Protection Act 1970 (GST exempt)
    Alteration to an existing Septic Tank System$134.50Environment Protection Act 1970 (GST exempt)

    Council will provide an invoice for payment.

    How to submit your application:

    What happens next?

    • An Environmental Health Officer (EHO) will attend to ensure that what you are proposing is suitable for the land and that the waste-water will not pose a risk to the environment.
    • The EHO will then arrange for a Permit to Install a Septic Tank System to be sent to you.
    • The EHO will also conduct a progress inspection, during installation of the drainage field, and a final inspection.
    • Once all works have been completed and the EHO has carried out the final inspection a Permit to Use a Septic Tank System will be issued. You must comply with all of the conditions attached to the permit.
    • You must ensure that your septic tank or treatment plant is working at all times and that all wastewater is treated and contained on your property.
    • If you are installing a treatment plant you must ensure that it is serviced regularly, in accordance with the Permit conditions.

    To check that the plumber installing or altering your septic tank is accredited/licensed to do so, check the Victorian Building Authority website or telephone on 1300 815 127.

    Greywater reuse

    Greywater (all non-toilet household wastewater) can be a good water resource in dry periods, but its reuse can carry health and environmental risks. Basic safety tips must be followed see below greywater tips.

    City of Greater Dandenong does not endorse untreated grey water being stored or discharged to the ground surface in any way. Greywater must be treated as waste-water and properly disposed of to the sewerage system provided to the property. Greywater stored or discharged onto ground could be subject to Health Act enforcement.

    City of Greater Dandenong encourages the collection of storm water and the installation of water tanks.

    For more information on greywater reuse contact the EPA Victoria website.


    Greywater tips

    • Use only greywater from baths, showers, hand basins and washing machines (preferably the final rinse water)

    • Don't use kitchen wastewater (including dishwashers) due to the high concentration of food wastes and chemicals that are not readily broken down by soil organisms
    • Only use greywater on the garden and rotate which areas you water
    • Only apply enough water that the soil can absorb
    • Wash your hands after watering with greywater
    • Don't water vegetable gardens with greywater if the crop is to be eaten raw or uncooked
    • Don't use greywater that has faecal contamination, for example wastewater used to launder nappies
    • Don't store greywater for more than 24 hours
    • Don't use greywater during wet periods
    • Don't let children or pets drink or play with greywater
    • Stop using greywater if odours are generated and plants do not appear to be healthy
    • Don't allow greywater to flow from your property or enter stormwater systems


    Is a permit required?

    An unattached shed less than 10 square metres in area, not more than 2.4 metres high (not constructed of masonry; brick, blockwork etc...) and not forward of the front wall of the building/dwellingNo
    A shed more than 10 square metres in areaYes

    Applying for a building permit 

    If a building permit is required, 

    Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

    Still not sure if you need a permit?

    If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.


    Is a permit required?

    More than 1 metre in height within 3 metres of the street allotment boundaryYes
    More than 8 metres above ground level, 6 metres square in display areaYes

    Applying for a building permit 

    If a building permit is required, 

    Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

    Still not sure if you need a permit?

    If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Smoke Detectors

    Requirements for Smoke Detectors

    Smoke detectors are compulsory in all residential buildings.

    All new residential dwellings must have interconnect smoke detectors and be connected to the mains power, any alterations and additions to existing dwellings may require upgrades to the smoke detection system.

    If a garage or shed is attached to a dwelling and requires a building permit, confirmation of smoke alarms within the dwelling is required.

    Alarms are to be installed within 1.5 metres of bedroom doors on the ceiling in the hallway or the room separating the bedrooms from the rest of the house.

    In a two-storey house, a smoke alarm must be installed on the ceiling generally within 1.5 metre of the stairs on each floor.

    Water Tanks

    Is a permit required?

    Water tank associated with new construction of, or additions to a buildingYes
    Installation of new water tank only with the provision that:
    • Installation must be undertaken by a licensed plumber; and
    • Overflow must be connected to the Legal Point of Discharge

    NOTE: If water tank is to be constructed on a stand this must meet the structural performance requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC).


    Applying for a building permit 

    If a building permit is required, 

    Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

    Helpful information

    Water tanks on commercial premises also require a Town Planning permit.

    Eligible households can receive a rebate on a rainwater tank. More information at

    Still not sure if you need a permit?

    If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.


    Is a permit required?

    Replacement of windows with similar type windows, where no structural alterations are requiredNo
    Installation of a window where structural alterations are requiredYes

    Applying for a building permit 

    If a building permit is required, 

    Instructions on how to apply can be found on the page.

    Still not sure if you need a permit?

    If you are not sure if you require a permit or have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Wood Heaters

    Solid fuel or wood heaters do not require a building permit.

    However, wood heaters must comply with specifications set by the manufacturer.

    Enquiries may be directed to the Victorian Building Authority.