It is a community expectation that the street environment and public and private property will be kept safe from hazards and unreasonable nuisance during building activity.
Building Regulations require councils to consider and decide certain matters to do with the erection of barriers or hoardings designed to protect the public, and/or for security of a building site. A building surveyor is also under statutory duty to not permit the commencement of building work before precautionary measures are approved and, where necessary, consented to by council.
Council will give balanced consideration of safety and amenity around the construction of hoardings. Some building works will cause inconvenience because of temporary street and footpath closure, so in applications the impact on the street should be demonstrated as necessary, unavoidable and reasoned. Council considerations will generally be made with a view to discourage street closure where possible. Affected parties should be notified of changes in street conditions where deemed necessary.
How to apply for the erection of hoardings over a street alignment
Complete the REG 116 Consent Hoarding Permit Application Form - 1.1MB
You will need to submit your application form and include the following items. Items marked *may be required dependent on scope of application.
- Completed application form – signed and dated
- Detailed fully dimensioned plans containing the following:
- Site Plan nominating location of hoardings etc. with dimensions
- Location of kerbs, building line, nearest intersecting street, street furniture, signs, power poles, traffic lights, litter bins, bus stops, street trees etc
- Location of any hoisting zone
- Location of buildings onsite i.e. existing to be retained or proposed buildings
- Details of type of hoarding proposed (i.e. sections, elevations, structural details)
- These plans and covering letter must be signed by the relevant Building Surveyor indicating approval of the type and suitability of hoarding etc. proposed for the works to be undertaken on site
- Signage and any safety measures (i.e. pedestrian ramps) that will be used while the proposed work is carried out.
- Signage advising pedestrians must be provided in accordance with AS 1742.3-2009 including:
- Sign T8-2 PEDESTRIANS with direction arrows.
- Certificate of Public Liability insurance having a minimum cover of $20,000,000 which must be valid for duration of proposed works.
- Applications for Report and Consent are required to be accompanied with a written confirmation from the Relevant Building Surveyor confirming that they are satisfied with the location, type and method of safety and protection of the public. The written statement is required to be accompanied with the referenced plans that clearly show the location and type of proposed fencing/hoarding.
- *Copy of a Traffic Management Plan (for redirection of pedestrian traffic) in accordance with AS1742.3-2009 by approved Traffic Engineer and prepared by a qualified person as required by the Road Management Act 2004 and Road Safety Act 1986
- *Detailed work method statement i.e. how and when the construction will be carried out (not a risk assessment statement) and confirmation that no works will be constructed over footpath area.
- *Engineers design documents/plans for proposed hoarding, scaffolding or gantry (i.e. section, elevations, standard details, fixing details, etc.) including a certificate of compliance design.
- *Provide any relevant permits or licences, for 'No Go Zones' when occupying land near power lines
- *Provide Vic Roads' Memorandum of Authorisation (MOA) when occupying part of a declared arterial road.
- *Copy of courtesy letter to be sent to neighbours affected by the works, including name and contact details of the site supervisor/builder in charge of the works, relevant traffic plans and length of works.
How to submit your application
Mail: City of Greater Dandenong, PO Box 200, Dandenong VIC 3175
In person: Greater Dandenong Civic Centre, Level 3, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong
To better understand the application process please refer to the VBA Practice Note 58-2018.
Responsibilities of the building surveyor
Under the Building Regulations the relevant building surveyor is responsible to determine when precautions are necessary.
Under the Building Regulations the relevant building surveyor has a duty to seek details of any required precautionary measures as further information to a building permit application. If the need for precautions arises before or during building work, the relevant building surveyor must consider public protection. Details should not be referred to Council for consent unless first assessed and approved by the relevant building surveyor.
Because determination of a requirement and approval of precautions is in the hands of the RBS an applicant cannot seek consent of Council without prior RBS involvement.
The relevant building surveyor is responsible for building control functions within his or her jurisdiction. Precautions are enforceable by the RBS both as “building work” and as a factor affecting safety - and may be enforced by such means as a direction to fix, a stop work order or a court order via the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) or council with (or without) prosecution of an offence under the Building Act.
The relevant building surveyor must not issue a building permit where precautions are to project over the street alignment unless consent of Council has been first obtained.