As a Child Friendly City, the City of Greater Dandenong is a city in which all children are valued, respected and celebrated. Council's vision for children ages 0 -18:
- children are given opportunities to learn and develop their potential
- families, services and the broader community work together to ensure children are safe at all times and have access to services
- children have access to environments and services to improve their health and wellbeing
- children have opportunities to connect with other children, to their family, to their community and to the environment they live in
- children’s voices are heard through consultation in planning and implementation of programs.
Read some of the ways we listen to children's voices
The winners of the ‘Create your own Litter Sign’ competition have been announced.
The annual children’s forum held in children’s week provides children with a platform to engage with Council.
As part of Council's Child Friendly City initiative, videos showcasing what local children like to do was created.
Greater Dandenong children have been involved in numerous consultations and forums.
The Children’s Advisory Group brings together students from the local primary schools within Greater Dandenong.
Greater Dandenong Children’s Plan 2021-26
Each year the City of Greater Dandenong gives one primary school student the opportunity to be the Junior Mayor.
The Kids Co-Design Consultation asked children and families how we can create spaces that promote a healthier way of life.