This statement outlines the City of Greater Dandenong commitment to the protection of children as in scope of the Child Safety Standards: Betrayal of Trust legislation enacted by the Victorian Government and in support of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
In 2015 Greater Dandenong Council was endorsed and recognised as a child friendly city under the global United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund “UNICEF” initiative.
Council’s Vision and Mission
‘To provide a City of opportunity with quality buildings, places and facilities and where people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds can reach their potential to live secure, happy and fulfilling lives for generations to come’.
‘We aim to provide better health and wellbeing outcomes for the most vulnerable children, young people and their families in our community; through offering responsive, innovative, proactive therapeutic programs and counselling support that considers the best interests of children and young people first.’
Greater Dandenong Commitment to Child Safety
Greater Dandenong Council Commits to:
- Hold a zero tolerance to child abuse, both within the community and within its organisation
- To ensuring the child’s best interest and safety remain a focus of all services and programs provided by Council
- Actively work towards empowering children in their own right, their voices and opinions are taken into consideration and influence governance and decision making to improve the lives of children
- To be responsive, caring and culturally sensitive in the services/programs provided to ensure child safety remains a priority for all children and young people
- Implement prevention and management strategies of child abuse risks, including risks both physical and online
- Commitment to upholding the safety of all children, including culturally and linguistically diverse, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and children with additional needs and disabilities
- Ensure stringent screening, and implementation of appropriate training in the prevention and management of child abuse, including duty of care of executive management, volunteers and all employees