Hemmings Park Toilet block

Have Your Say on the Public Toilet Strategy 2020-30

Hemmings Park Toilet

Public toilets are vital community assets that contribute to the health and wellbeing of residents, workers and visitors to the municipality. Often unacknowledged, public toilets support the vitality and accessibility of public places and spaces.

The City of Greater Dandenong's Public Toilet Strategy 2020 provides strategic direction for the distribution and design of public toilets within the municipality.

This strategy highlights some of the key issues and challenges associated with public toilets in Greater Dandenong and identifies opportunities for improvement.

Core elements of the strategy are:

  • Policy context
  • Overview of the condition, usage and profile of existing public toilet facilities
  • Gap analysis of public toilet network distribution
  • Recommendations for upgrades and improvements to the public toilet network.
  • Supporting documents to the Strategy are:
  • Toolkit comprising assessment frameworks to assist Council in determining future upgrades
  • Key strategic and operational actions to improve the existing and future toilet network
  • A 10 Year Capital Works Plan (to be reviewed after five years)

Public Toilet Strategy 2020 - 71MB

Have Your Say

Council is seeking community feedback on the Public Toilet Strategy 2020.

How to Have Your Say

To share your ideas please fill in the survey below.

For further information please contact City Improvement Services on 8571 5264 or email Michael.Smith@cgd.vic.gov.au

Feedback is welcome until 5pm, Monday 21 December 2020.