This consultation has now closed.
All feedback received will be shared with Council prior to the Budget Submission Hearing on Wednesday 7 June and the endorsement of the below documents at the Monday 26 June Council meeting.
Each year Council develops a new Budget and Annual Plan and reviews its Council Plan and Long Term Financial Plan to ensure we are continuing to meet the needs of our community.
These documents outline what activities we will undertake and how we will fund the following services:
- Children, youth and families - childcare, maternal and child health, immunisation, youth services
- Health and wellbeing - disability services, home and community care, food safety
- Your home - rubbish and recycling, planning and building permits, pet registrations
- Sport and leisure - sportsgrounds, leisure centres, parks and gardens, festivals and events
- Roads and safety - roads and footpaths, car parks, street lighting
- Community - libraries, theatre and the arts, community centres
During October and November 2022 a community consultation project was undertaken to better understand our community's priorities and where we should focus our spending. These ideas were shared with Councillors and Officers and have influenced the following draft documents:
Council Plan 2021-25 (Revised 2023)
This is Council's four year strategic plan which highlights the key priorities for the term of Councill and what it will focus on to deliver on the community's vision for Greater Dandenong
Annual Plan 2023-24
The Annual Plan outlines all of the activities Council will undertake to ensure we can deliver on the Council Plan.
Proposed Budget 2023-24
This document outlines the services and initiatives to be funded for the 2023-24 financial year.
Long Term Financial Plan 2024-33
This establishes a financial blueprint for Council’s management of its financial resources, ensuring that Council remains sustainable in the longer term.