The Springvale Reserve Master Plan was adopted by Council on 23 October 2023. It was developed after extensive community and stakeholder consultation.
The master plan establishes the long-term vision and direction for this highly valued and well utilised district park in Springvale. It improves and expands the reserve’s ongoing provision of sport’s infrastructure, such as the new netball courts. It expands the informal recreational activities offered to the community with a new local playground and picnic and BBQ facilities.
Functional layout improvements to the reserve’s car parking and improvements to the path networks are also identified. The planting of trees across the reserve will increase the urban forest canopy to provide shade and will enhance the biodiversity and environmental benefits for the community.
The development of the park will be guided by the master plan’s implementation strategy. The implementation strategy identifies short, medium and long-term projects and provides guidance on the design and construction sequence necessary to implement the master plan.
Visit Springvale Reserve Master Plan for more information and to the view the final master plan.
How will the master plan be funded?
The funding to progress the projects is subject to the support and funding of capital works bids as part of Council’s annual budget process.
State Government Grant Funding
Council was successful in receiving $2.0 million in grant funding as part of the 2023/24 State Government Budget as an outcome of the 2022 State Election. The capital projects being funded by this grant are major initiatives for the reserve and will be delivered in the 2023/24 financial year. All these projects are fully funded by the grant, aside from the new local playground which has received an additional $100,000 from Council’s Capital Improvement Program in the 2023/24 financial year.
The grant funded projects are:
- upgrade of the sports oval lighting to 150 lux
- renewal of coaches boxes
- design for the renewal of the canteen and kitchen
- upgrade of the sports pavilion toilets
- construction of two netball courts with lighting and supporting infrastructure
- construction of a new local level playground.
This consultation is closed.
The Springvale Reserve Master Plan was adopted by Council on 23 October 2023.