A large group marching with a sign saying 'We say no to family violence'

Family Violence

Women and their children largely experience family violence. Men largely commit family violence.

Some people think alcohol, financial stress or poverty causes violence against women. But the key causes relate to the unequal power between men and women in public and private life. It also comes from beliefs about how men and women should behave. There are also certain social attitudes that excuse men's violence against women.

Greater Dandenong City Council is committed to preventing violence against women in our communities. Council promotes equality and respect toward women. To live in a world where our families and communities are free and safe from violence, we must treat everyone   with dignity, equality and respect. This includes women, men, girls and boys. Promoting equality and respect in our communities benefits us all. It strengthens our communities. A strong community is one where we can all contribute and take part equally.

Use the information on this website. Council developed the Promoting Equality and Respect: An Interfaith Collaboration on Preventing Family Violence booklet as part of the Challenge Family Violence project. It promotes safer, more respectful and fairer communities.


Family violence definitions and fact sheets in multiple languages.
This resource will help faith and spiritual leaders to understand family violence, its causes and ways to prevent it.
Here are some ways for residents and the community to promote equality and respect towards women.
Faith and spiritual leaders have an important part to play in preventing family violence. Here's what they're doing.
A list of services and organisations that will help when talking about family violence.
Each year, the City of Greater Dandenong hosts a community 'Walk Against Family Violence' to honour White Ribbon Day.
Greater Dandenong and Wayss developed this podcast to share stories from people who experienced family violence.