Smiling lady amongst community garden

Health and Wellbeing Tips

Healthy eating tips

Do you want to eat healthy meals but don't know where to start? The key to healthy eating is to eat a variety of foods. This will help you achieve a well-balanced diet and good nutrition and help prevent disease.

Check out these tips at the Better Health Channel.

Healthy recipes

LiveLighter encourages Australians to lead healthier lifestyles. It inspires people to make simple changes to what they eat and drink, and to be more active.

Check out the Better Health Channel website for hundreds of healthy meal ideas. You can search by meal type, ingredients, dietary requirements and more.

Getting active

Whether it's riding a bike, walking or playing in a local park, getting out and about in your community is easy and can be more fun than you think! Visit the Sport and Recreation section for more information.


Healthy living websites

Parents' Voice 
An online network of parents interested in improving the food and activity environments of Australian children.

The Healthy Eating Advisory Service
Helps organisations provide and promote healthier foods and drinks to improve the health of all Victorians.

Australia's Physical Activity Guidelines
The Department of Health has factsheets for every age group. These factsheets detail how much physical activity you need for long-term health and wellbeing.

Grow and Thrive Resources
Provides information on children's learning, health and development for early childhood educators, primary teachers and families.

Australian Dietary Guidelines 
Advises Australians on the amount and kinds of foods that we need to eat for health and wellbeing.

Better Health Channel  
Provides health and medical information to improve the health and wellbeing of people and the communities they live in.

Nutrition Australia
Offers a range of information, resources and services to support healthy eating.

A world-first health promotion foundation focused on promoting good health and preventing chronic disease.

Cancer Council
Gives a range of information such as how to prevent cancers, support services and living with cancer.

Diabetes Australia
A consumer body representing people with diabetes in Victoria. They have information on diabetes, local support groups, and links to health professionals.

Heart Foundation
Focuses on heart disease prevention for all Australians. Provides information about making healthy choices and for those living with heart conditions.