hand with car keys

Preventing Car Theft

Pop. Lock. Stop sneak theft.

Most of us rely on our cars for work or study, taking the kids to school, or for social activities. Having a car stolen is stressful, inconvenient and costly, but it is often preventable. 

Council has joined forces with the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council to promote a public awareness campaign on vehicle theft prevention in Greater Dandenong.

The Stop Sneak Theft initiative aims to educate the community about car security at home and simple steps individuals can take to reduce their risk of car theft.

Watch the video above for some helpful tips.   

Statistics show that 7 in 10 cars are stolen with their own keys, with offenders sneaking into homes through unlocked doors and windows. In fact, in 95 per cent of incidents, there is no confrontation with the homeowner.

Council will work with Victoria Police and Neighbourhood Watch to share the following key messages to reduce overall car theft in the local area:

  • Provide a clear line of sight from your house to the street.
  • Lock all doors and windows, including access to your garage, and make sure everyone at home is doing the same.
  • Consider installing security lighting and a home alarm system.
  • Report any suspicious activity to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or your local police station.

For more information, visit carsafe.com.au

