Harmony Square

Anti-Poverty Strategy endorsed

Harmony Square

Greater Dandenong City councillors have endorsed the Anti-Poverty Strategy 2022-25, which seeks to address the complex issues of poverty in our community.

The Strategy acknowledges there are many vulnerable residents in our community and addressing their needs to make lasting change will take time. It sets out priority areas for the next three years that focus on creating a clear shared understanding of poverty and the work needed to amplify the voices of those who have experienced poverty in Greater Dandenong. 

The Strategy was designed in partnership with organisations that support vulnerable members of our community, including consultation with more than 120 community members who spoke about their own lived experience.

Mayor, Cr Jim Memeti said poverty was a shared responsibility.

“Poverty is everyone’s business. It will take time and a whole of community approach to tackle.

“Using this Strategy, we will advocate for resources needed in our community and for better co-ordination across all levels of government and services,” the Mayor said. 

The Strategy will be launched at an Anti-Poverty Week event in Harmony Square, Dandenong, on Wednesday 19 October, from 11am-3pm.

The event will bring together key community support organisations to share their work and services and encourage wider community advocacy to reduce poverty in Greater Dandenong.

View the endorsed strategy here