Greater Dandenong City Council has decided to create a wholly owned Company to operate Dandenong Oasis, Noble Park Aquatic Centre, Springers Leisure Centre and Dandenong Stadium from 1 July 2022.
Council made this decision for several reasons:
- The company model retains strong control and alignment with our unique community needs and Council strategic objectives including those recently articulated in the Make Your Move Greater Dandenong Physical Activity Strategy 2020-2030 and soon to be endorsed Council Plan.
- Council maintains control over the asset management program to protect its significant investment in its major recreational facilities.
- Council is soon to invest significant capital in the replacement of Dandenong Oasis and this will be the largest Capital project embarked on by Council.
- The model will enable networked service offerings across all facilities improving the experience for our community.
Greater Dandenong City Council CEO, John Bennie, said the model works for Council and the community.
“The model allows a balance to be struck between a commercial approach to management and meeting our community’s needs. Greater Dandenong City Council would like to thank the YMCA, the Dandenong Basketball Association and Elite Stadium Management and Events, who have made valuable contributions to the City of Greater Dandenong community over several years.”
While nothing will change in the short term, Council is working with current facility management groups to achieve a smooth transition for all users.
“Council expects great services, programs and safety levels for our community to continue once the Company assumes management of the facilities. The experience of current staff is highly valued and all employees will be encouraged to apply for positions with the new Company,” Mr Bennie said.
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