Shrubs in the garden

Beat the Heat (Council News article June 2023)

Shrubs in the garden

It’s a fact that our city streets are heating up.

More concrete, roads and big buildings combined with less plants and trees create a warmer environment, but Urban Shade Forests can help us beat the heat.

Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA), supported by Chevron Australia, is partnering with Greater Dandenong City Council and residents to help create our own Urban Shade Forest. By planting more trees and shrubs in our neighbourhoods we can tackle urban warming and cool our suburbs.

You can contribute to our efforts by taking part in public tree plantings or by planting trees at your home or business.

Plants help keep us cool by the shade mature species create and the excess water that sits on the surface of leaves that evaporates into the surrounding air, resulting in cooler temperatures. 

Visit for more information.

Council’s Urban Forest Strategy provides a holistic approach to delivering a healthy, green and resilient urban forest.