Cat reclining indoors

Cat Curfew (Council News Article September 2023)

Cat reclining indoors

Cats in the City of Greater Dandenong are now subject to a cat curfew, with new rules being put in place to help address cat overpopulation.

Following extensive community consultation, Councillors voted to introduce a night-time curfew, with cat owners now expected to confine their pets from dusk until dawn. Cats don’t need to be indoors if you can confine them to your property.

Cat overpopulation has a big impact on the environment, with wandering cats posing a threat to wildlife in their native habitat. Greater Dandenong is home to many sensitive ecological wetlands and conservation areas that need to be protected. 

Greater Dandenong City Council impounds an average of 700 cats per year, at a significant cost, and currently only seven per cent of cats are being claimed by their owners.

If a cat is caught wandering off your property during curfew every effort will be made to return the cat to its owner, but some cats may need to be impounded. Owners will have to pay a fee to release their cat from the pound. 

Owners will receive a warning the first time their cat breaks curfew and may receive a fine for repeated offences.

Tips to support the cat curfew

  •  Feed your cat indoors and keep them inside after their end of day feed.
  •  In colder weather ensure there is a warm dry bed to encourage cats to stay inside at night.
  •  Install a cat run, cat enclosure or cat-proof fencing so your cat can roam safely on your property.

Find out more about responsible pet ownership.