Dandenong Market

Cr Angela Long - Cleeland Ward (Council News Article July 2023)

Councillor Angela Long with a Dandenong Market trader

Greater Dandenong is very fortunate to have its own market in the heart of Dandenong.

The Dandenong Market is open four days a week – Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, fish, eggs and flowers, as well as a wide range of general merchandise.

The Market also has a food court where you can enjoy food from all over the world and it’s also a great place to meet up with family and friends for lunch.

The Market holds several special events and festivals each year. The Market hosted NAIDOC Week celebrations on Sunday 2 July. Featuring a traditional Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony, the event included Indigenous dance, music and art performances and family-friendly workshops. It was a free and inclusive celebration of Indigenous community life, language and culture. Dandenong Market’s vision for reconciliation is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage to be protected, celebrated and shared. 

A new event on the Market calendar is Euro Feast, scheduled for Sunday 13 August. Designed to  showcase the specialty continental delicatessens and bakeries, and to bring new tastes of Europe to the Market. Enjoy cured meats, artisan cheeses, freshly baked bread and a wide range of indulgent sweet treats. Live music and dance performances, as well as family-friendly activities will help everyone celebrate the cultures of Europe.

A major project set for Cleeland Ward is the Dandenong Wellness Centre that will replace the Oasis swimming pool. Council recently voted to support this project which will take several years to complete. Part of the project will be a new home for the Dandenong Hockey Club, which will replace their existing club rooms in the Maurie Jarvis building. This will be a great facility for the whole community.

If you need to contact me on any Council matter, please phone 0466 004 616 or email angela.long@cgd.vic.gov.au