Councillor Richard Lim standing in Multicultural Place Springvale

Cr Richard Lim - Springvale Central Ward (Council News Article May 2023)

Councillor Richard Lim standing in Multicultural Place Springvale

Council is working on a Springvale Revitalisation Action Plan and we have been out and about in the community asking what your vision is for the future of our suburb.

The first stage of the Shape Springvale consultation closed on 30 April, and Council will consider all the feedback before presenting a draft action plan for further review. 

I am so proud to share all that Springvale has to offer and I look forward to seeing it become a top tourism hub and a place that locals are proud of.

Recently we have seen the improvements to the Number 8 Balmoral Ave multi-deck car park and many more people are now parking there. It is a very convenient car park that has 550 spaces, and I want to remind people that recent works there have improved the access and traffic flow.

Council has also invested in supporting food businesses to set up for outdoor dining. Over the warmer months it was great to see people returning to Springvale and dining at the many restaurants on offer. Seeing people eating outside adds to the vibrancy of the suburb particularly on evenings and weekends. We have seen so many more great restaurants open in recent months, and it is so good to see.

I speak to people about this suburb every day and I get many compliments about the cleanliness and the improved footpaths. 

Council recently undertook landscaping works along Buckingham Avenue to improve the tree coverage. Five Chinese Elm trees were planted alongside rosemary shrubs. The elms are expected to reach a height of 12m when they are fully grown, helping to create a greener environment and more shade, which in turn should help lower temperatures in the hotter months.

I have a strong vision for the future of Springvale, and I am working hard to have our suburb recognised on the world stage. 

You can contact me at or phone 0435 627 164.