I am so proud of the wonderful place Springvale is to live and visit.
Every year, Council celebrates our vibrant and diverse community through a range of festivals and events. One of our biggest community events happens right here in Springvale. The end of July saw 35,000 people attend the annual Springvale Snow Fest. The day celebrates everything Springvale with performances, rides, stalls, real snow and wonderful fireworks to end the celebrations. If you didn’t attend this year, make sure you look out for information on our website in July 2025.
The Springvale Revitalisation Action Plan is a 10-year plan which will deliver a range of exciting initiatives to the Springvale Activity Centre. This includes new infrastructure growth for the activity centre, streetscape improvements, better and safer pedestrian access and more green spaces. Short term projects happening over the next 1-5 years will include upgrades to Buckingham Avenue and Multicultural Place. Council will also investigate upgrades to parking signage to include real time advice on availability of spaces.
I am excited about some specific Springvale works and projects coming out of the 2024–25 Budget, these include:
- Burden Park Tennis – Building upgrades
- Springvale Services for Children – Bathroom floor upgrade
- Olinda Kindergarten – Staff toilet upgrades and internal blind replacement
- New Pocket Park – at 49 View Road
Community Conversations – Community Safety event will be held on Tuesday 3 September from 1pm–3pm. Join me at Springvale Community Hub for an informal chat together with representatives from Victoria Police and Council’s Community Safety Team.
If you would like to talk to me about any Council-related issues please email me at richard.lim@cgd.vic.gov.au or phone 0435 627 164.