Councillor Tim Dark holding a netball in front of two people talking on a netball court

Cr Tim Dark - Keysborough Ward (Council News Article September 2023)

Councillor Tim Dark holding a netball in front of two people talking on a netball court

With the recent release of the 2023–24 Annual Budget, I can confirm there will be plenty of projects taking shape across the Keysborough Ward in the coming year.

Following the completion last year of the new netball court and quarter practice court at Rowley Allan Reserve, Council is investing in more improvements to this reserve. We have committed to upgrading the oval floodlights and behind goal fencing to protect netball players from stray footballs. The car park will also be reconfigured to allow for safer pedestrian access. Funding has been set aside to create a design for female-friendly changerooms in the sports pavilion and I will continue to advocate for funding to see these upgrades completed as soon as possible.

The Frederick Wachter Reserve has also seen a number of upgrades over the years. As I mentioned in my last column, works to upgrade floodlighting at Keysborough Tennis Club have been completed. Council will also begin works on a floodlighting upgrade to the north oval as well as an upgrade to the public toilets at the reserve. 

Our youngest residents won’t have much longer to wait for the completion of the playground upgrade, as they are due to finish soon. Council will also be installing new park furniture in the nearby picnic area, as well as increasing the tree canopy cover to provide shade and shelter from the elements. A total of $100,000 has been put aside to complete these works.

I am working to see another project listed in the Frederick Wachter Master Plan to commence soon. This is the design of the multi-court space for informal recreation. I will continue to advocate for this project to be completed soon.

Please contact me any time at or phone 0466 403 914.