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GameChange Early Wins – Connecting Community

Selba woman in red jacket

Meeting face to face and connecting at our GameChange roundtable meetings has been one of the initiative’s early wins, as both jobseekers and organisations seek to change the system and move their communities into employment. 

This was the case when Selba-Gondoza Luka, CEO of Afri-Auscare met Darrell Hewton, Employment Facilitator for the federally funded Local Job Program.

Darrell connected Selba with Tom De Young from local company, Oasis Horticulture.

Selba recognised there could be employment opportunities for community members who had skills in horticulture and agricultural pursuits. So she connected a Somali-speaking youth leader and a Jobs Victoria employment mentor who collated suitable resumes and organised a site tour at Oasis Horticulture. 

Selba and Tom worked closely to acknowledge the capabilities and talents of the African community.

Despite language barriers, they were able to help carve pathways, reduce challenges to employment and identify ways to utilise people’s capabilities.  

Complementary language classes are provided by Afri-Auscare each Thursday for the new employees. Both Selba and Oasis agreed language proficiency can be achieved much more quickly when employment is supported with regular classes and daily practice in the workplace.

Another added benefit is that enhancing the employees’ language skills will increase their sense of value in working and being part of a wider community.

Currently six people have been recruited from this connection.

This early win demonstrates the GameChange initiative’s potential for making change in the future, no matter how small.

Afri-Auscare is a community organisation providing assistance and support to individuals through primary mental health intervention and intensive support programs, as well as advocating for programs to better enable individuals to better integrate into Australian society. They work with employers to better understand how Afri-Auscare can help reduce barriers, build soft skills, and enable pathways for successful recruitment, retention, and employment sustainability.