A lady smiling

GameChange News - Springvale Learning and Activities Centre – Reducing Barriers to Employment

A lady smiling

A few years ago, Springvale Learning and Activities Centre (SLAC) launched the ‘Real Chance’ Program supported with $44,000 for project initiation from the Adult Community and Further Education Board. This initiative aimed to re-engage young people, particularly those who were homeless or at risk of homelessness, in education programs to build employment skills. The transformative project provided work experience, learning opportunities, and material support.

One notable success story involved a 22-year-old woman living in crisis accommodation and facing various mental health challenges. Although her learning skills were well-developed, she had a significant fear of meeting new people, whether face-to-face or on the phone. Through the REAL employment stage, she received mentoring and coaching from SLAC staff and volunteers. Her confidence grew noticeably within a few weeks, and by the fourth week, she began securing job interviews. After eight weeks, she was offered a full-time job at a call centre, overcoming her fear of talking to new people and working in teams. She moved into her own rented place and got back on track, motivated by her desire to earn her own living and make independent decisions rather than being case-managed.

Sixteen young individuals initially signed up for the program, with twelve committing to participate for a minimum of six weeks. Impressively, six of these participants completed the full twelve-week program. Among them, two young people who were homeless at the start of the project managed to secure their own rental accommodation, return to their studies, and obtain part-time jobs in customer service, marking a significant step towards a brighter future.

Speaking with Elena Sheldon, SLAC’s CEO, it was evident that the program had a profound impact on the participants. Unfortunately, the program could not continue once the funding ceased. With a relatively small budget, the program was able to positively impact six community members, demonstrating the power of targeted support and intervention. Without ongoing resources for scaling up successful pilot programs like the ‘Real Chance’ aren’t given the opportunity to reach their full potential as place-based solutions for addressing complex local issues.

SLAC continues to support community welcoming anyone who is finding it difficult to get their first job to come to CoCO's Op Shop for the opportunity to get this vital job experience and the first job reference. 

On Tuesdays, between 9.30am – 11am SLAC offers support for your resume, a friendly face to char about jobs, careers, getting professional work experience and cultural barriers. These drop-in sessions are free for the community. 

Read more at the Springvale Learning and Activities Centre (SLAC) website.