Dandenong Market is calling for local businesses considering a second location at the Market as well as new businesses looking to open their first retail store.
“We have a number of traders with stores elsewhere who find a second, and sometimes third location, a viable business proposition,” Jennifer Hibbs, General Manager, Dandenong Market said.
The Market Leasing team is looking for locally grown, foraged or manufactured foods as well as small and micro businesses that offer a product or service not available at Dandenong Market, locally designed or handmade products, vintage or repurposed and up-cycled goods, hobbies and collectibles, cosmetics, skin care and perfumes, and hair and beauty services.
“We’re always looking for something new and what’s not currently available at Dandenong Market, including locally grown, foraged or manufactured products,” Ms Hibbs said.
Specialty foods and other products that support Dandenong Market’s positioning as “The World Market” are always popular, as are culturally based uses that resonate with our local community.
“We’re excited to welcome new Pakistan street food traders Spirit of Pakistan next month and we are offering great incentives to current traders who introduce new traders to the Market,” Ms Hibbs explained.
If they qualify, new traders could be eligible for a generous marketing package to help spread the word of their new location.
“The total marketing and PR value is $10,800,” Ms Hibbs said. “Once added to generous lease or licence terms, that’s a really attractive incentive to someone wanting to grow their business.”
The Market has just completed its annual customer research survey with pleasing results. Shoppers are spending more and staying longer. The Market’s customer satisfaction rating is 8.4 out of 10, and, although there is always room for improvement, this is wonderful feedback.
“The Market is going from strength to strength and, despite the challenges of the past two years, when we welcomed 5.6 million visitors a year, our competitive pricing compared to supermarkets as well as our customers’ renewed desire for authentic and engaging shopping experiences where they can reconnect with their community will see the Market thrive again,” Ms Hibbs said.
Visit website www.dandenongmarket.com.au