Council Building

Greater Dandenong Local Jobs Blitz (Working for Victoria)


Locals are being encouraged to apply for 102 positions at Greater Dandenong City Council under the Victorian Government’s Working for Victoria fund.

Under Working for Victoria, Council will provide jobs for unemployed people – whether they have lost their jobs due to the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) or have been without work for a longer period of time.

Greater Dandenong City Council Chief Executive Officer, John Bennie, said the $500 million Victorian Government initiative is matching people that have lost their jobs with employers who need additional staff.

Recruitment will begin within weeks, with different positions advertised in the coming months. Council aims to have all positions filled and commenced before January 2021.

Council will offer roles on six-month terms within key groups of activities including conservation and land management crews, waste management and data capture.

These roles will enhance the municipality’s environment and beautify natural places, enhance the municipality’s liveability through improved environment and cleanliness, improved cleaning of high touch surfaces to reduce risk of COVID-19 transmission in the community, and enable access to critical base line data of businesses in the area to inform business strategy and planning activities.

They will boost the workforce by helping many Victorians get back to work.

More than 10,000 jobs have been created through Working for Victoria since the initiative was launched in April, providing a quick return to work and access to training where required.

“Greater Dandenong City Council is really pleased to take part in Working for Victoria and is looking forward to welcoming our new employees on board,” Mr Bennie said.

“If you’re looking for a job, we want to hear from you. Jump on the Working for Victoria website and apply.”

To find out more about the Working for Victoria fund and to register your interest in applying for one of the jobs at Greater Dandenong City Council, or the many other areas in Victoria, visit