What would you like to see in Springvale? What would make it a better place for our diverse community?
Council is currently developing the Springvale Revitalisation Action Plan, which is all about improving our local area for people who live, work, study, play or travel through Springvale.
By hearing from the community, we aim to unearth the spirit and culture of Springvale through personal stories and experiences. These stories and answers are all part of the history of the place and your direct experiences and knowledge of your local area will guide the right decisions for improving Springvale. Council will then use your feedback to make a plan to shape the future of Springvale.
There are several ways to have your say, including a survey, an interactive map and a chance to share your own stories including with photos and videos. The survey closes on 31 March.
Select link to Have Your Say on the Shape Springvale Consultation