Greater Dandenong nursing staff

Immunisation Information (Council News Article April 2023)

Council's nursing team

Upcoming immunisation sessions 

Immunisation sessions are held every month for residents. 

The sessions are free and provide important vaccinations to prevent diseases such as Whooping Cough, Hepatitis, Tetanus, Pneumococcal Pneumonia, Measles and Meningococcal disease. The Influenza vaccination is also recommended and available for all children from six months to five years of age. 

Bookings are required for your child’s immunisations.

Visit Council website to book your child's immunisation.

Immunisations for new arrivals

Council continues to support people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds to catch-up on their immunisations.

Since 2017 a specific program helping to protect the health of our newest community members is seeing great results.
Of the 4846 people referred to the PRIME (Program for Refugee Immunisation Monitoring and Education) Program, almost 3000 have been fully vaccinated, and many more are progressing through their catch-up schedule.

Across 2022 almost 2000 people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds were contacted by an immunisation team member to support access to COVID-19 vaccinations.

In November 2021 Council introduced a pilot program at the Noble Park English Language School to support students to receive their immunisations in the school setting. So far 136 students have commenced their catch-up vaccinations. 

Newly arrived families are encouraged to contact Council’s immunisation team to discuss their current vaccination levels before booking into a session.

Vaccinations for secondary students 

Recent changes to the vaccination program for secondary school students have reduced the number of injections for Year 7 students.

Each year Council’s Immunisation team visits all secondary schools across Greater Dandenong to provide Year 7 students with the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) vaccination. Previously given via two injections the change means most students can now receive a single dose of the vaccination and still be fully protected.

The HPV virus affects people of all genders and is responsible for almost all cases of cervical cancers. The vaccine offers protection against nine types of the virus that are responsible for most HPV related illnesses.

Some students have fallen behind on their immunisation schedule due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, so Council has launched a catch-up service for the HPV vaccination.

Council offers a free HPV vaccine to all secondary school students over 12 years and to young adults up to 25 years. If you or someone you know is in this age group and has missed their HPV vaccination please book into on of our free immunisation sessions.

For further information about the immunisation program, visit the immunisation webpage or contact Council on 8571 1000.