Nikita Fashions lady smiling

Little India Stories - Nikita Fashions

Nikita Fashions lady smiling

Childhood Creativity inspires Life's Journey

“There comes a time in your adult life when you remember what brought you joy as a child.” 

Shameela Singh unlocked this memory during a beading class after migrating to Melbourne from Fiji in the early 1990s.

“I attended local groups to stay connected with my religion and culture. It took me back to when I would do beading, needles and thread with my mum, making doll’s dresses, veils and patchwork.”

These memories stuck with her as she met fellow migrants who would wear their old sarees for years. “There wasn’t much available, so I thought why not use my artistic skills to provide these beautiful women with clothing tailored for their ethnicity and religion.” 

Nikita Fashions was created 28 years ago and is a destination for the journey of life. “From birth, to marriage, to our final farewell – it is a privilege to dress people for their most significant milestones.”

Shameela says serving families who have lost a loved one is one of the most treasured parts of her work. “It makes me value life from a different level.”  

She says Little India is the perfect destination to immerse yourself in a cultural experience. 

“No one leaves without sweets, chai or a delicious dinner. I always suggest a range of places so I can promote as many businesses as I can. We’ve worked hard to develop this precinct and we like to support each other.”

Shameela is proud of her success and the connections she has made with the community. 

“You’ve got to love what you do. If I didn’t have the shop I would still do this. I’ve never suppressed my passion – it has come from my heart.” 

