Nasir Punjab Man smiling

Little India Stories - Punjab Sweets

Nasir Punjab Man smiling

A Sweet Place to Call Home

Punjab Sweets and Takeaway is located within the Little India in Dandenong – a cultural hub buzzing with life and colour. 

Owner Mr Nasir Chaudhry fondly refers to it as his “home away from home - place where “quality meets tradition and authenticity”. 

Mr Chaudhry immigrated to Australia from Pakistan in 1980 and took ownership of Punjab Sweets and Takeaway in 1995. 

Having worked in hospitality for over twenty-five years, Mr Chaudhry credits the success of his shop to passion and hard work. 

The decision to enter the industry was inspired by his deep love of people and friendly personality. 

“I am a hospitality person by nature because I love building relationships with strangers and seeing them become friends” shared Mr Chaudhry. 

He reminisced on a time where he served a family of Australian customers who wanted to diversify their traditional dinner time routine, by trying Indian food for the first time.

“I remember when Margot and her family first visited my shop. They were standing at the counter and gawking at the colourful sweets” started Mr Chaudhry. 

“Their eyes were so big, and they seemed to get lost in the many, many, different sweets that we had on display” he added jovially. 

“I still remember to this day, I sold them gulab jamun, barfi and some laddu. The next week, they came back for dinner” shared Mr Chaudhry. 

“The Little India precinct has been good to my family and I giving us a sense of community and belonging” he added. 

