At the Council meeting on Monday 9 October, Cr Eden Foster formally advised her colleagues and the community that she has been selected as the Labor Party’s preferred candidate to contest the by-election for the Victorian Government electorate seat of Mulgrave.
She will now take a leave of absence until the by-election, the date of which is yet to be confirmed.
During this leave of absence Cr Eden Foster advised she will not collect any Councillor allowance and will be turning in her Council equipment to ensure she can run a campaign independent of Council.
Under the Local Government Act 2020, Deputy Mayor, Cr Lana Formoso, must perform the role of Mayor Eden Foster during her leave of absence.
Council’s meeting to elect the next Mayor and Deputy Mayor for 2023-24 is scheduled for Thursday 16 November 2023 at 6pm.
We thank Cr Foster for her dedication and great service to the residents of Greater Dandenong and wish her all the very best.