Greater Dandenong City Council welcomes upcoming changes to the posted speed limit on Stud Road, Dandenong North.
The Department of Transport and Planning will undertake works next week to introduce a lower speed limit of 60kmh on the stretch of Stud Road between Heatherton Road and Cheam Street.
The reduction from 80kmh will encourage safer driving conditions and provide motorists with more time to react in dangerous situations.
Greater Dandenong Mayor, Cr Lana Formoso said she welcome the reduced speed limit as an interim measure, while Council would continue to advocate for safer road conditions.
“Following the tragic death of a child on this stretch of road last year, Council continues to push for a more permanent safety solution,” Cr Formoso said.
“We have been calling for a safer pedestrian crossing and traffic lights at the intersection of Stud Road and McFees Road for many years. We implore the State Government to fund this project as a matter of urgency. We are sincerely hoping to hear the project is funded in the Victorian Government’s budget to be handed down in May.”
Cr Formoso said, “The reduction in the speed limit is welcome, but it doesn’t provide a safe crossing for pedestrians, cyclists or bus commuters. We need a safe option for people to cross this road.”
Cr Formoso said the loss of a young life last December deeply affected the Greater Dandenong community, and she highlighted crash data which showed many lives had been impacted over the years by crashes on this road.
Weather permitting, works will take place to replace the speed limit signs on Tuesday 9 April. During this time there will be lane closures on Stud Road and a reduced speed limit of 40kmh.
For more information visit the Vic Roads website.