2023 Junior Mayor Tasneem

Message from the 2023 Junior Mayor (Council News article June 2023)

Mayor Eden Foster and 2023 Junior Mayor Tasneem

Hi everyone, 

I am 11 years old, in grade 6 and school captain at Keysborough Gardens Primary School. I live with my mum, dad, sister and our adorable cats Honey and Klaus.

I am the new Junior Mayor, and the role gives me the opportunity to express my thoughts and represent other primary school students through the Children’s Advisory Group.

We live in a world that we design, so our voices can shape the City of Greater Dandenong so that everyone can achieve their dreams.

I am aware of the huge opportunity this is, and I promise to work hard with Council to find ways to promote greater inclusivity and a higher sense of belonging. United let’s embrace the
unique identity of every individual.

Being Junior Mayor gives me the honour to also participate in community events and embrace our wonderful community spirit. Sustainability and recycling are also areas to improve locally where small actions can make a massive difference, like creating a veggie garden and recycling and reusing your household items.

Local government plays a significant role in our lives and I am excited to be involved.

I will strive to be the best Junior Mayor I can be and create a more peaceful, diverse and environmentally friendly community.

Please don’t hesitate to say hello to me if you see me around.

Junior Mayor