Hello City of Greater Dandenong, it's Gemma your 2024 Junior Mayor.
This year I had the honour to be a part of a Citizenship Ceremony. This was an amazing experience. I loved seeing all the diverse people become Australian citizens and join our community. I got to talk to a few people, and it was really interesting to hear their stories about why they came to Australia and how long they have been waiting to become an Australian Citizen.
At the Citizenship Ceremony I talked about how my dad migrated to Australia and all the opportunities he has had since becoming an Australian citizen.
Another event I was part of in the City of Greater Dandenong was the Springvale Snow Festival. It was a really fun event and I really enjoyed it.
There were lots of performances and so many different activities that everyone enjoyed. There was arts and craft, snow, fireworks and much more. Also, there were food stalls like bubble tea and potato sticks which were a big hit.
Did you know that in the City of Greater Dandenong we have lots of recycle centres? At home with my family, we always talk about ways to be sustainable. One of the ways that I try to be sustainable is by recycling bottles. If you collect all your plastic cans and glass bottles you can take them to the local recycling centre and get 10 cents per bottle. This is a great way to teach our next generation about the importance of recycling and why we need to recycle, this will help keep the City of Greater Dandenong clean but also this is a great way to earn some extra pocket money, which is an extra bonus to.
Have a great month everyone.