A group of people at Springvale Snow Fest

Message from the Junior Mayor (Council News Article October 2023)

A group of people at Springvale Snow Fest

October 21-29 is Children’s Week, a time to recognise the rights, resilience and spirit of the world’s children. 

This year, in recognition of the need for young people to have time for rest, play and relaxation, we celebrate the rights of children and young people to have the time and support they need to do these things. 

It is all too easy for the rights of our world’s children to be drowned out by responsibility and work, both in and out of school. 

For their physical, social and mental wellbeing, it is essential that children and young people have access to adequate levels of play, rest and relaxation. We must guard their right to choose how to spend their time and nurture their sense of freedom. 

Playing and spending time outdoors offers a healthy energetic outlet where young people can learn, explore and test their boundaries in a safe environment. For those who don’t have access to an outdoor space, the right to play and relax can become heavily restricted, something that must change if our young people are to remain healthy, both physically and mentally. 

The importance of rest and relaxation for our young people should also not be underestimated. Restful activities such as yoga, meditation and mindfulness, offer a healthy form of relaxation. 

Junior Mayor