children planting trees

National Tree Day 2024 (Council News Article July 2024)

a child planting a tree

Planet Ark's National Tree Day started in 1996 and has grown into Australia's largest community tree planting and nature care event.

National Tree Day is an opportunity for all Australians to get their hands dirty and give back to the community. This year’s goal is to plant one million native trees across Australia on Sunday 28 July.

Council is committed to planting more trees and plants to increase our tree canopy and enhance biodiversity. 
This year, Council is holding two community planting events to celebrate National Tree Day. 

Community members are invited to come along to Tirhatuan Park on Saturday 27 July or Tatterson Park on Sunday 28 July and plant a tree or seedling, learn about our local plants and wildlife and find out how to create a Garden for Wildlife in your own backyard. 

Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation will open the event with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony and there will also be a free barbecue provided for participants. 

All the event details can be found on the Environmental Events webpage.