There was a time when the world had no mobile phones, computers, internet connections or e-mail facilities. During those times, letters were the most popular modes of communication. People would throng the post offices to send letters to their loved ones. With the advancement of technology, the reliance on post offices has changed but they remain a constant in many people’s lives. Nessy’s Café and Post Office is situated on the corner of Dunearn and Heatherton Roads in Dandenong North - providing a perfect opportunity for locals to collect and post their mail, pay their bills and get their coffee hit and a bite to eat all under one roof.
The owners behind this local meeting place is wife and husband duo, Nesreen (Nessy) and Wassim Fam who opened the doors in 2020. Ms Fam had dreamed of running her own café, after cooking for friends and family for many years, encouraged by her husband she finally made the leap of faith and opened Nessy’s café.
Ms Fam makes all of the food herself onsite with an emphasis on Italian, Greek and Middle Eastern influences. They also offer catering services. The idea to join a café with the Post Office is clever since post offices play a key social role in society –ranking as the third most trusted institution, after the doctors and the police. Despite recent extended lockdowns, post office visitation remained largely constant over the COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent survey conducted by Deloitte across Australia, they found 82 per cent of businesses confirmed post offices positively impacted their business.
Ms Fam said, “...we have some wonderfully loyal customers who come and do their banking in the post office and then they will have a coffee and a chat with us before heading home. We really love the sense of community we have created here.”