People sitting in a circle having a chat in a room full of people sitting in groups talking.

Our City, Our Future

People sitting in a circle having a chat in a room full of people sitting in groups talking.

Between March and July 2024, we undertook a series of community engagement activities to help inform Council’s work over the coming four years.

We asked residents and visitors about the things they love about Greater Dandenong, what current services they consider important, and what Council should focus on over the next four years. Their ideas will help influence our Council Plan 2025-29, Long Term Financial Plan and Asset Plan.

Our community identified seven key areas of focus for Council over the next four years:

  • Affordable housing
  • Climate change
  • Community safety
  • Council Assets
  • Employment and education
  • Open space and trees
  • Social cohesion and connection.

These themes were shared with our Community Panel, a group of 37 community members who came together, to develop recommendations for Council. The panel were asked to think about how we could help make our city a home to all despite some of the challenges we are facing and agreed on the following six recommendations:

  1. Community Connection – supporting our communities to run events and provide opportunities for community engagement
  2. Affordable Housing – advocacy to the state and federal government to provide affordable, fit for purpose housing for those most vulnerable
  3. Service awareness – increasing our community’s awareness of the Council service sand opportunities available to them
  4. Asset Re-evaluation – maximise the effectiveness of our assets and their utilisation
  5. Community safety – increase safety measures in public spaces to increase confidence and feelings of safety
  6. Maintenance and preservation of assets – ensure all Council assets are regularly maintained, fully utilised and safe.

These recommendations will now be reviewed by Council and help to develop our priorities for the next four years. 

To read more about what our community said go to Your Say Greater Dandenong.