Three girls dancing

Our Greater Dandenong Community is Unique (Council News Article August 2023)

Three Kuchipudi dancers in bright-coloured traditional dress

We are proudly the most culturally diverse community in Australia. 

Data from the 2021 census reveals our residents come from at least 154 different birthplaces. Almost two-thirds (63 per cent) were born overseas and nearly three-quarters (72 per cent) speak a language other than English at home. 

Mayor, Cr Eden Foster said our diversity is our strength and something that we work to celebrate. 

“Regardless of your background we welcome everyone here in the City of Greater Dandenong and we want people to feel at home. 

“The wealth of culture, customs and knowledge that we all share, honour and celebrate is what makes our city so special and unique,” said the Mayor. 

Every part of our city recognises our diversity, from the Afghan Bazaar and Little India in Dandenong, to the Asian influences of Sensational Springvale, our global community is celebrated in the food, fashion, entertainment and retail experiences on offer. 

“Every week I attend community gatherings and festivities celebrating cultures and traditions from all over the world. This diversity makes our community vibrant, and I am proud to represent our unique community,” said the Mayor. 

Census 2021 data revealed the top birthplaces and languages spoken in Greater Dandenong. 

Australia 38%
Vietnam 9%
India 7%
Sri Lanka 4%
Cambodia 4%
China 2.5%
Afghanistan 1.8%
New Zealand 1.6%
Italy 1.5%
England 1.5%