Disassembled play equipment at Sandra Reserve

Playgrounds find a Second Life (Council News article June 2022)

Disassembled play equipment at Sandra Reserve.

Council continues to give new life to old playgrounds by partnering with Rotary to send play equipment overseas. 

The Rotary Overseas Recycled Playgrounds (RORP) program disassembles playgrounds earmarked for replacement, and flatpacks them for shipping overseas. Rotary members do a thorough inspection of equipment to make sure it is still safe and usable by overseas communities. 

In 2020, Rotary took an old playground that was removed to make way for the All Abilities Playground at Ross Reserve, Noble Park and relocated it to Sri Lanka. 

More recently the old playground at Sandra Reserve, Noble Park, was removed and will be sent to Fiji along with playgrounds collected from other Victorian suburbs. 

Throughout 2022 Council has earmarked four other playgrounds suitable for relocation through this program. 

Mayor, Cr Jim Memeti said the partnership with Rotary was a win-win situation for all. 

“While we work here to replace playgrounds to make them safer and more accessible for local children, we get to see the removed equipment given a second life overseas,” the Mayor said.