Greater Dandenong City Council

Proposed Council Budget 2022-23 highlights (Council News article June 2022)

Greater Dandenong City Council

The proposed Budget 2022–23 strikes a balance between ensuring Council continues to provide services and support to the community, while managing a capital spending program to provide much needed local infrastructure and stimulation for local employment and businesses.

Despite the constraints of rate capping, Council will maintain a significant investment in the infrastructure of our city, implementing an extensive Capital Works Program of $55.6 million in 2022–23.

Key capital projects in the proposed Budget 2022–23 include:

► $12.5 million for roads
► $10.7 million for Keysborough South Community Hub (stage 2)
► $4.3 million for widening of Perry Road, Keysborough
► $4.1 million for drainage renewal and upgrade program
► $2.5 million for reconstruction of the athletics track at Ross Reserve
► $2.5 million for widening of Abbotts Road, Dandenong South (stage 2)
► $1.8 million to begin construction towards the Dandenong Wellbeing Centre (formerly Dandenong Oasis pool).

Council’s Capital Works Program for 2022–23 of $55.6 million includes $38 million from rates revenue; $26 million of this is being invested to the renewal of infrastructure and community assets across the municipality, identified and prioritised through Council’s annual asset management planning.

The challenge to fund the appropriate replacement of existing assets (roads, drains, buildings, etc) is one that the City of Greater Dandenong shares with many other municipalities, as our key infrastructure was built in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The proposed Budget 2022–23 allocates $41.81 million towards the renewal and upgrade of our assets.

The most significant amount of funds allocated in the proposed Budget 2022–23 and Long-Term Financial Plan is the $176.19 million cost to provide ongoing operational services to the community.

In support of climate change and sustainability, the proposed Budget 2022–23 includes an increase in the tree planting program budget from $492,000 in 2021–22 to $862,000.

The proposed Budget 2022–23 also allocates funds to the:
► commencement of detailed design for the Dandenong Community Hub
► Rosewood Downs Primary School kindergarten room fit out and maternal child health community facilities
► detailed design of the Barry Powell Reserve and new Tennis Table Centre.

Property rates in 2022–23 will increase by 1.75 per cent, in line with the rate cap set by the Victorian Government.

A resident’s rate bill may vary by more or less than the rate cap due to the relative property valuation, the type of property classification (residential, commercial, industrial, etc) and other charges not subject to the rate cap (for example, the waste charge). The increase in general rates and waste charges for the median residential valued property is 0.95 per cent on average. The total annual impact is $14.07 or 27 cents per week.

Council remains in a steady financial position for 2022–23 through sound and prudent leadership by Council and its staff, although this will continue to be tested by the compounding effect of rate capping and COVID-19 impacts that have cost $24 million in the past two years.

The final version of the proposed Budget for 2022–23 will be adopted by Council on 27 June.