Council Building

Public Notice - Notice of Intention to Lease

Council building

Greater Dandenong City Council
Notice of Intention to Lease

Greater Dandenong City Council (Council) gives notice under section 115 of the Local Government Act 2020 of its intention to enter into an agreement for lease and lease with WAYSS Ltd (ACN 080 191 108) (the Tenant) for the land known as 10 Market Street, Dandenong and identified as Lots 1, 2 and 3, TP 821939R, Vol 11189, Fol 176 (Premises).

The proposed principal terms of the lease are as follows:

  1. Lease commencement will be the day after the development works (to construct buildings on the Premises for the permitted use and to be carried out by the Tenant) are deemed to be completed. 
  2. The Premises will be handed over to the Tenant for the purpose of carrying out the development works seven days after execution (signing) of the lease.
  3. The term of the lease will be for 30 years with no option for a further term.
  4. Rental of $1 per annum (this is nominal and if demanded by the Landlord). No rent review will be conducted during the term. 
  5. Permitted use of the Premises is social and affordable housing in accordance with the Tenant’s obligations as a registered housing provider under the Housing Act 1983.
  6. Other conditions are inclusive of, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Council and the Tenant will work together to agree on the nature and design of any development works on the Premises;
  • The Tenant is solely responsible for the cost of any development works on the Premises;
  • The Tenant is responsible for applying for and obtaining all planning, building and other approvals for any development works from all the relevant authorities at its sole cost;
  • The Tenant will own the buildings constructed under the development works and any other improvements which arise during the lease term. At the end of the lease term (including by way of termination), all buildings and improvements will become the property of Council without any payment or compensation;
  • The Tenant is responsible for all repairs and maintenance required to the Premises and any buildings, fixtures, plant, equipment or fittings and must keep the Premises, development works and buildings in good condition and repair throughout the term of the lease; and
  • The Tenant is responsible for the connection and payment of all utilities, including telecommunications servicing the Premises and buildings from the lease commencement date.

A person may make a submission on the proposal under Council’s Community Engagement Policy. Any person proposing to make a submission must do so by 5.00pm on Tuesday 4 October 2022. Council will consider any submissions before making a decision on whether to grant the proposed lease at a Council Meeting scheduled in October 2022. 

This submission process complies with Council’s Community Engagement Policy and the Local Government Act 2020.

Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and can be emailed to or posted to the following address:

The Chief Executive Officer
Greater Dandenong City Council
PO Box 200
Dandenong VIC 3175

John Bennie PSM
Chief Executive Officer