Sri Lanka flag

Recognising the ongoing economic and humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka flag

Greater Dandenong City Council continues to hold grave concerns about the ongoing economic crisis impacting Sri Lanka and the devastating affects it is having on its population. 

The country of 22 million people are suffering from crippling foreign debt (US$51billon), record inflation of between 30 to 40 per cent, fuel shortages preventing travel to work/education, lack of funds to pay government wages, and the near collapse of the health system. 

In response to this current crisis, Council endorsed a Notice of Motion earlier this year to call for the Federal Government to:

1.    Grant Sri Lankans (Tamil, Christian and Sinhalese people) humanitarian refugee status immediately, above the annual quota. 
2.    Desist from sending Sri Lankans back to Sri Lanka at this time to face uncertainty.
3.    Provide direct Australian humanitarian aid to Sri Lanka that is consistent with the request of ACFID for those people suffering from chronic food and fuel shortages. 

The City of Greater Dandenong has a large Sri Lankan diaspora, who have made a positive contribution to our community. Many are now having to support family members back home. 

Our thoughts are with the Sri Lankan community. 

Cr Jim Memeti, Mayor