Revitalising Soft Plastic Recycling

Recycling machinery

In a bid to tackle the mounting challenge of soft plastic waste, Australian Paper Recycling (APR), a local leader in recycling, created APR Plastics. They have developed a solution to assist businesses to manage the soft plastics they received such as shrink wrap, pallet wrap and bubble wrap that can often fill the general waste bin. These plastics are turned into a recycled plastic resin that is used to create products such as builders’ film and carrier bags.

In a strategic move to expand their impact, APR Plastics turned its attention to soft plastics previously managed through ‘redcycle’ programs at supermarkets. Recognising the pressing need for effective soft plastic recycling within Australia, in August 2022 they unveiled their groundbreaking recycling solution called Biofabrick WASTX.

The process begins with the collection of soft plastics, which are then shredded and dried. These materials are then subjected to high temperatures within a closed-loop recycling system, designed to disintegrate the plastics into their fundamental components; gas, liquid, and solid.

What sets APR Plastics' approach apart is its holistic utilisation of the resulting byproducts. The extracted oil undergoes refining processes, ultimately finding new life in food-grade plastics or serving as a sustainable fuel source. Meanwhile, the gases generated during recycling power the system itself, embodying the ethos of circular economy principles.

Moreover, any residual waste or contaminants are transformed into valuable resources like carbon ash or carbon black, offering versatile applications in industries ranging from paints to tires. This comprehensive approach not only addresses the issue of soft plastic waste but also contributes to the creation of a closed-loop system where waste is repurposed into valuable commodities.

Through partnerships with local councils, APR Plastics is fostering awareness and accessibility to soft plastics recycling drop-off points. The City of Greater Dandenong council is encouraging locals to drop the soft plastics from households, at various locations throughout the municipality.

To find locations visit Soft Plastic Recycling.

By empowering businesses and households to participate in this transformative process, it is encouraging people in the community to take the initiative towards a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.