The City of Greater Dandenong is home to the Springvale Community Hub conveniently located on Springvale Road, Springvale. The Hub is a world-class facility which includes Councils customer service center, the library, historical collections, community rooms, programmable spaces, recreation facilities, open spaces and much much more. The Hub is open and available to everyone to live, learn, work, play and explore.
Centrally located in the Hub is a café and Council is now looking for a savvy, perceptive and experienced operator from either a commercial, community or social enterprise sector to provide a welcoming experience with responsible refreshments and snacks that are affordable to the community.
We are now welcoming Expressions of Interest from interested operators up until 30 November 2024. To learn more about this exciting opportunity and be sent the Expression of Interest documentation, please email council@cgd.vic.gov.au.