A woman putting soft plastics into an orange recycling bin

Soft Plastic Recycling (Council News Article September 2023)

A woman putting soft plastics into an orange recycling bin

Council is supporting the recycling of soft plastics following the end of the RedCycle program.

Collection bins have been placed at key locations around the city for soft plastic items, including shopping bags, pasta and rice bags, biscuit packets, vegetable produce bags and frozen food bags.

The collection bins look like your regular kerbside bins but are bright orange at the Dandenong Customer Service Centre, Dandenong Community Building in Clow Street, Springvale Community Hub, Noble Park Aquatic Centre, Jan Wilson Community Centre and Springers Leisure Centre.

Mayor, Cr Eden Foster said the service will reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.

“Council has joined forces with Dandenong South company APR Plastics to take these items out of general waste and see them used to manufacture other plastic products or fuel.

“Many of these plastics can take up to 500 years to break down in landfill, so this is a great way to ensure we reduce, reuse and recycle,” the Mayor said.

Find out what can and can't be recycled in the soft plastic bin.