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Vale Inga Peulich

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Council is saddened to hear of the passing of Inga Peulich on Thursday 25 July. From a migrant family herself, Ms Peulich was a tireless advocate for multicultural communities and played an active role in community matters across the south eastern suburbs over many years. 

She served in the upper house of the Victorian Parliament from 2006-2018, representing the South Eastern Metropolitan Region.  

Mayor of Greater Dandenong City Council, Cr Lana Formoso said, “It is timely to recognise the service of Inga Peulich, a woman from a migrant family with a similar background to my own, who was also a teacher in our community. I commend her long-standing commitment to public life and to serving the communities of the south east. My sincerest condolences go to her family at this very sad time.”