A crowd walks behind the Walk Against Family Violence banner

Walk Against Family Violence returns (Council News Article November 2022)

A crowd walks behind the Walk Against Family Violence banner

After a two-year break, residents, community groups and Council officers are preparing to take to the streets of Dandenong for the Walk Against Family Violence on Tuesday 22 November. 

Starting at the Dandenong Market at 11.30am, the walk will end in Harmony Square as we all stand together to say “No to Family Violence” and learn more from important guest speakers. 

Hear from The Orange Door, a support service for people experiencing family violence, and a representative of Women with Disabilities Victoria.

Our keynote speaker will be Tarang Chawla, who has become a vocal anti-violence campaigner and strong voice for gender equality since the death of his sister Nikita in 2015. 

Mr Chawla said he was looking forward to connecting with the Greater Dandenong community on the walk. 

“Obviously for me it’s deeply personal, as my sister and I grew up side by side as brother and sister and I was in my mid to late 20s when she passed away. 

“We all have a role to play. It comes down to community attitudes and to all of us as individuals. We don’t need to wait for Council, we don’t need to wait for politicians or sports people, or the media to talk about it. We can talk about it amongst ourselves to change the attitudes that contribute to the kinds of family violence that we’re seeing in Greater Dandenong.” 

Mr Chawla said he wanted his words to inspire hope. 

“I think when we talk about the statistics and we look at the realities of family violence it’s often very depressing, but ultimately my message is one of hope and optimism for a future that is free from violence,” he said. 

The grieving brother also believes humanising victims will help show the ultimate cost of violence in society. He said by honouring women and telling their stories and sharing their lives, we can progress the fight against violence. 

Join us for the Walk Against Family Violence on Tuesday 22 November, meet at 11am, for an 11.30am start time. 

Read more about Mr Chawla’s story here.