Dandenong Wellness Centre 50m Pool Hall

Waves of Change: Dandenong Wellbeing Centre Takes a Big Splash Forward

Dandenong Wellness Centre 50m Pool Hall

Greater Dandenong City Council is pleased to announce that ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd has been confirmed as the contracted builder to deliver the highly anticipated Dandenong Wellbeing Centre. This appointment follows a competitive and rigorous tender process.

Mayor of the City of Greater Dandenong, Cr Jim Memeti, said this decision marks a major milestone in bringing this vital community facility to life.

“Our community’s health and wellbeing are at the heart of this project. We are creating a brand-new centre so that more people in Greater Dandenong can be more active, more often,” Cr Memeti said. “We’ve undertaken extensive community engagement on this and we’ve responded to what we’ve heard.”

The Dandenong Wellbeing Centre will be among Australia’s best and will be accessible to everyone who lives here or visits.

It will offer a wide range of aquatic, rehabilitation and fitness opportunities. It’s a space for people to connect, socialise and take care of their health year-round. It will offer fun, culturally safe programs, health therapies, rehabilitation and much more.”

“Designed to replace the much-loved but now out-dated Dandenong Oasis, the new Dandenong Wellbeing Centre represents a once-in-a-generation investment in community health and wellbeing. Careful planning ensures the project will be financially and environmentally sustainable, delivering a lasting benefit for all.

“All age groups, cultures and abilities will be welcomed, with programs and activities designed for everyone,” Cr Memeti said.

“The final design reflects the aspirations of Council and this community for a welcoming and inclusive space to stay active and connected.

“We know migrants to Australia are over-represented in coastal drownings and we’re committed to promoting water safety in our community, so the learn to swim space will be really important.

“The centre will also have two warm water pools to support injury recovery, rehabilitation and gentle exercise. The facility provides safe and dignified access for people with disability to enjoy the water and its benefits.

“The facility includes large studio spaces for group fitness classes and community meetings. It has very generous provision for allied health services, so the facility can be a one-stop health and wellbeing centre.”

The new centre is also partly funded with a $20 million grant from the Federal Government.

Hockey facilities will also get a big upgrade

Cr Memeti said, “The ageing hockey pavilion at Mills Reserve will be demolished and temporary facilities installed during the two-year construction phase.

“The new centre will include new facilities for hockey players and club use. Replacing multiple buildings with new multi-purpose facilities under one roof is a contemporary and responsible approach to creating great community assets for the future.”

Once in a generation investment 

Cr Memeti said, “There’s no doubt that a high-quality facility like this carries a big price tag.

It’s the biggest commitment this Council has ever made, but something that has been in planning and design for several years.

“The proposed Dandenong Wellbeing Centre is a once-in-a-generation investment in the long-term health and social wellbeing of our community. Coming together for physical exercise has enormous benefits for to people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing.”

Financially and environmentally sustainable

Cr Memeti said, “The centre has been designed with financial and environmental sustainability in mind, and should comfortably achieve 5 Star Green Star accreditation

“The clever design means less energy and water consumption, lowering operational costs, and ensuring that the centre remains cost-effective for decades to come.

“Construction will commence shortly, with completion expected in early 2027.”

To stay up to date on the project, Council invites people to register for their email newsletter on our website.