A man smiling

When Door Knockers Visit – Have Your Say About Council (Council News Article February 2025)

A man smiling

At Greater Dandenong City Council, serving our community is our most important job.

Each year we survey our residents to find out what we’re doing well and how we can better deliver for you.

This year, rather than phone surveys, we’ve asked an independent research company to conduct door knocking for the Community Satisfaction Survey.

The research company is called Metropolis Research and their staff speak 17 languages so you have your say in your own way.

If the door knocker doesn’t speak your language, you can request a call back from someone who does.

This will help us ensure our survey results fairly represent our diverse community.

Door knockers will conduct the Community Satisfaction Survey across Greater Dandenong for two to four weeks from 5 April 2025.

The survey will take around 15 minutes of your time and help us serve you better.

Be sure to have your say.